Friday, March 5, 2010

This is London?

The city of London is much different than I had expected. I had been picturing a beautiful, upper-class city, but instead it is very dirty, dull, and poor. It turns out that Mr. Jaggers is an abrupt, cruel lawyer who is more concerned about money than helping people. His office reminds me of a jail cell, with a frightening and dirty interior. Mr. Wemmick is a clerk at Mr. Jaggers' office, and I believe that we may be able to become close friends. Also, I met Herbert Pocket, who turned out to be the pale young gentlemen who I fought at Miss Havisham's. He informed me about Miss Havisham's story; she had been planning to marry a gentleman who abandoned her. She adopted his daughter, Estella. Herbert thinks that I should be named "Handel" after the music composer, but I am not sure because I was told to keep the name "Pip."

"...while I was scared by the immensity of London, I think I might have had some faint doubts whether it was not rather ugly, crooked, narrow, and dirty."
-Pip describing his first impressions of London, page 171

"I was content to take a foggy view of the Inn through the window's encrusting dirt, and to stand dolefully looking out, saying to myself that London was decidedly overrated."
-Pip's opinion of London and the Inn, page 183


  1. Nice job describing Pip's view of London. Pip can be described as ironically disappointed: life in London is dirtier and dull instead of brighter and cleaner.

  2. Very nice! We are not sure, though, how Miss Havisham came to know Estella.

  3. Shane,

    Great job with your posts! I like how you are able to write as Pip without saying the exact same things in the book. Keep it going!

  4. I like the title of your post, "This is London?" it really sums up Pip's general impression of it.

  5. I love how you described Jaggers from Pip's point of view. It sums him up nicely. "It turns out that Mr. Jaggers is an abrupt, cruel lawyer who is more concerned about money than helping people." That is because he is a vampire :)

  6. I think that this is a very important post because London wasn't really up to Pip's expectations. The title is very important, too, in my opinion. It captures Pip's bewilderment at the glorified concept of London.

  7. What edition of the book are the quotes taken from?

  8. Hi, just to rectify, Estella is the daughter of Magwitch, the convict who becomes Pip's benefactor.

  9. Helpful
    Nice description about pip and Jagger
